Gallery :: Applications by Robert Gelb :: Work From 1994 To 2004

General Information

This site is a compilation of some of the more significant applications that I have developed, architected and/or managed. These applications were written over the span of 10 years starting with 1994. Click on the links to left of this text to see specifics (including screenshots) for each application.

About The Applications

Following is the list of technologies that were used to develop these applications. This list is made up of programming languages and methodologies, database servers, access technologies, etc... If some of the technologies look dated, that's only because they were developed a long time ago.

  • .NET Framework: C#, VB
  • Visual Basic 2, 3, 5, 6
  • Visual Basic for DOS (yes, DOS)
  • Borland Turbo C++ 3.0, 4.5
  • Microsoft Visual C++
  • MASM 6.11
  • Database RDBMS (Microsoft SQL Server 7   2000, Sybase 11, 12.5, MySQL, Oracle)
  • Database Access Technologies (DAO, RDO, ADO, ADO.NET)
  • Code Generators
  • Wireless Data Communications (that's before cellular)
  • Global Positioning System